Haley Mermaid Featured in the Sun NewsHaley MermaidJul 28, 20231 min readhttps://amp.myrtlebeachonline.com/news/local/article276725856.html
Where to buy mermaid tails full list - fabric and silicone tailsFabric Tails https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12r-Pinx13t6KZuzt1OzOynLr4XQdAiywGJk7eZFFNcs/edit Silicone Tails...
Mermaid conventionsWhat is a mermaid convention? Mermaid conventions are a thing and have been for over a decade now. These conventions allow merfolk from...
Basic Silicone Mermaid TailsSilicone mermaid tails are the most realistic option for mermaid tails. These custom swimmable works of art are often used by...